Thursday, 12 January 2012

All the short stories wot i rit.

Even though I've decided to try the traditional route in an attempt to get my novels published. I've had another idea.

   I have been looking at all the short short stories I've written over the decades. Recently some very kind people had said that they would be good if I finished them. So with that in mind I'm gong to prepare about thirty of them and with this new web site that apparently I am the only person in the universe never to have heard of, CreateSpace, I think I'm going to assemble and upload them as a compilation.

   As always, and like myself, the stories are all a bit strange. I hadn't realised how many I'd written until I counted them. In fact the first few, for all of you as old as me, were wrtitten in Word Perfect Ver 5.  and Word Ver 2. Now that's a long time ago.

 If anyone's is interested in the peculiar, have a glance at:

for clues as to the weird and and slightly sick (according tyo my wife) nature of my mind.


  1. CreateSpace is very popular. I will have a look. What a good idea to finish your short stories.

    1. Got a long way to go, though. The Word Perfect versions won't open. But a man of my cunning won't be stopped.

  2. CreateSpace? trust me you are not the only person in the universe not to have heard of it - there are at least two! Where have you hidden your follow button?

  3. Good idea. Just make sure you've had a proper edit. I've been reading some blogs where they're tearing apart the Indie authors for not following protocol.

  4. Your title killed me. If it's indicative of your voice, you had me at "wot i writ." Spotted it on dmyates' blogroll, and I wasn't even deterred by Google's warning about adult content! That says a lot for a goody-two-flipflops like me.

    You didn't answer Barbara's question about your invisible follow button! Where be?

    Gotta check out CreateSpace now to read all your weird word leakage. And see if my short stories measure up.

    1. I'm not too sure what that particular follow button is. My particular weirdness is on shelfari. There are a few good stories there. We're a new group so only a few have posted so far.

