Sunday 1 November 2020

I love it when this happens.

 As is my wont, I was typing away on my new novel Snodden, yesterday. It's a comedy - sort of, featuring a Headmaster planning to blow up his entire school, with all the kids and teachers in it. It's a good job I love writing or this furlough caper would really be getting on my t**s by now. 

    Unlike the other day when World War Fox was happening in my garden, I was just letting it flow, not really knowing what was going to happen. Yes, I'm the ultimate panster. My three book series: Three Hoodies save The World originated from a single sentence, and that didn't even make it into the actual book.

    Anyway, gibbering aside, I now find my hero in France. He'll have no trouble getting back (if he survives) because the novel is placed, well I don't actually know when; sometime within the last thirty years. I'll work it out later. What he's going to do there, I have no idea, either, but it came to me after a silly joke I heard. No-time-to-lose; geddit? France?

  Alright then, no time Toulouse.

  Here's the preamble, just so you know what I'm gibbering about.

Broderick Snodden loathed children. He despised them with all his heart. Snodders to his enemies, of whom there were many, detested the very sight of children, especially the small ones. Scuttling to and fro as if the only thing in the world that mattered was their own puerile fun. How he hated them.

    But soon that would no longer be a problem, for Snodden had a plan. It had come to him in a flash just the day before. Despite thinking, and failing to come up with a solution for many years, the answer had miraculously occurred to him upon bending down to clear up yet more vomit from his shoe. It was all so simple: it would cost nothing, and even better, no one would either suspect or blame him.

   Today would commemorate the tenth year of his twenty year punishment. More to the point it would mark the final month of this awful torment. A dim and distant voice reminded him that his first so-called brilliant plan had engulfed him in more pain than he could have imagined. ‘Not this time,’ he told the voice smugly. This time he would think it though properly; ensuring nothing could deter him. Then he would calculate all the potential consequences and choose a singular path to success. With that thought in mind he left the quad and it’s mindless hordes of scampering brats. His rooms awaited. Therein he would begin to write his manifesto for success.

   The first and most important agenda was the utter humiliation and then demise of one man, the one person capable of ruining his stratagem. Snodden hated him more than anybody else. That this person had no idea that he was the target of Snodden’s abhorrence made little difference. His ruination would be the most satisfying but potentially dangerous part of the whole plan, and would require his most devious calculations, but ultimately he would perish with all the others.

Even then I didn't know where it was going to go, but I'm enjoying the ride.

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