Saturday, 7 November 2015

Editing sleeping and more editing

I've just finished the third edit of kongomato 3 and realised that yet another character had to go. This laborious process took me back seventy five pages and another twelve hours. I do so hate killing people off but it had to be done because I want these three final novels, the last of my three trilogies to be the very best work I ever did, as I suppose every writer must feel. And in that vein my Christmas publication dream was hopelessly optimistic.

   I was, and still intend to take an entire year off from writing as soon as they're published to learn how to paint properly on a computer that doesn't crash every five seconds, and to publicise the twelve novels that by then will be on the market. 

    I wrote a couple of blogs a few weeks ago about pirating, and my part in it. I'm the victim in case you thought I was one of the bad people. Before that time my sales had been slow but steady. Have I done myself a disservice by talking about it, because since then I've hardly sold any at all. I had decided that I should perhaps use the news that I'm being pirated as some unorthodox means of self publication. That was a bad idea. I've had hundreds of free downloads of the free bits from Smashwords but almost no buyers. Of course I could just take that as a statement that my writing sucks - but I refuse. I suspect many people download almost everything that's free and rarely if ever get around the reading them.

    Next year I'm going to go overboard in publicity - I might even pay for some although from what I read that's rarely if ever successful.

    Have to come up with some other plan - maybe pleading.

    I'm not averse to a bit of shameless grovelling.


  1. Pirating Is just wrong. I'm thinking I may try a publisher with my new projects. I found one of my stories on some site for free.

    1. I've subsequently found some more sites in the far east. I've got about as much chance of shutting them down as the ones in America. Somehow I'll find a way of using it to my advantage.
      Go for it with trad publishing. Your writing's good enough.

  2. My sales have also fallen flat; maybe I should check around a bit more and see if your problem is also mine.

    1. In this particular case I hope you find nothing, but remember, the people who get the pirated stuff are unlikely to be your usual buyer. I keep telling myself that but it doesn't help.

  3. Yeah, like an author can take a year off. Your stories will nag you until you write them. As for pirating, I'm beginning to think they don't do any better at sales than we do.

