Wednesday 23 December 2020

Going for my second Covid test soon

 I had a test for Covid/Corona last week and thought all was well when I got the call to say that I was clear. Now I have to have another on the basis that some/a lot of first tests, give a false negative, ergo I have to have another.

    That's all very well but the moment I leave the site after the test I could get slaughtered by one of the maniacs who must have got their driving licenses in a box of corn flakes. Or breath, touch or just generally catch it on one of my foolish trips to the shop to buy unnecessary luxuries such as food, but not toilet paper; that all disappeared days ago into the cupboards of the mindless sheep who kiss each other on the street or hold hands and act as though absolutely nothing of danger is happening about them. Although, admittedly, I wouldn't particularly want to kiss someone wearing a mask.

    My new novel is coming along well. By now, my idiot, who began the book with the IQ of a carrot, is beginning to discover things for himself. I'm pleased with him as he actually did a few things I never even considered, which is the way I always write.

    I'll keep going and stop worrying about the dreaded plague. I've been blown up twice and shot once. No irritating little virus is going to do for me. On that note, it's time to go to the shops. Now, where did I put that NBC suit?


  1. I think I'd rather make homemade explosives with my brother again than mess with COVID. Just my luck, I'd be one of the minority who gets ALL the bad symptoms.

  2. Think positive, and buy your explosives from the shops - but wear gloves.

    1. Shops? Gloves? Get thee hence, you amateur. :-) We actually had a fair safety record, and lived out in the country to limit complaints.

