Friday 25 October 2013

Facebook worries.

I'm not often serious. In fact my whole life is pretty much one juvenile joke after another. This week, however, I've been forced to consider something a little more worrying.

   I use facebook. I generally use it to advertise my wares, and to support the novels of others, but I believe I'm never going to use it again.

   In the UK, and probably the rest of the world, there has been a lot of news this week about F/B's decision, quickly reversed, to allow the uploading of files, of people being beheaded - provided the people who did it, first condemned the content. Yet this same organisation would not allow the image of a woman breast feeding an infant.

   I don't particularly want to see photos of breast feeding, and certainly don't want to see someone poor woman being slaughtered once she's finished weaning a child. I believe F/B's about-turn was not from horror at the images, but rather it's fear of lost sales either by advertising or people's revulsion to the content or it's policy.

   I'm not a sanctimonious old git and I'm not even attempting to begin a boycott of F/B but if only for my own peace I can never use something which places it's revenue way above common morality.

   I don't even know if it's possible to remove an account. If it is, I'm going to do it. 

   More juvenile behaviour tomorrow now that I've got this small rant off my chest.


  1. Oh my...I'll have to research this. Facebook, though, has become a royal pain to use. I keep getting blocked from posting items on my own time line.

    Hugs and chocolate,

  2. I was fed up with them before this newest incident. I'm free now and must use my initiative to publicise my books more effectively.

  3. You know, you can remove your account. But have no worries. It's never really deleted even though fb says it is. If you choose to open it again - it's all there like you never left.

