Friday 12 April 2019

I've absolutely no idea why, but...

Perhaps I've been watching too much NCIS but I got to wondering the other day and, half an hour later, I'd procured for myself an encrypted email address. A day later followed a web browser that is untraceable. Although I suspect that if I irritated someone enough, ie a big government department, which in England is GCHQ, they'd be able to find me eventually to administer a severe slap.

    The thing is, I don't even know why I felt the need to get these things. I'm far too nerdy to do anything even mildly illegal, or even immoral on the net for that matter. And as for my emails, they rarely extend to anything more racy than Amazon offering me yet something else for which I have no need and even less inclination to buy.

    I suppose it's just to say that I did it. Like the time, never repeated, when I drove a Porsche 911 at 300 kilometers per hour for a few seconds. That's 186.4 mph in old money. I won't disclose where I did it, nor even the country lest aforementioned people should become upset.

    Is it because I'm drawing ever closer to retirement and want to pretend that I'm young again. I had plenty of racy and dangerous times in the Royal Marines, but that was a long time ago. The closest thing I ever get to danger these days is threatening to kill the cat when she's laid a big pile of something smelly about six inches from the litter tray. 

    Perhaps I should take a few lessons from that old witch, she leads a far more dangerous life than I, and laps it up - metaphorically speaking.


  1. Well, in fairness, cats can be pretty darned dangerous.

  2. Especially that toxic monster, foisted upon me by a daughter who subsequently left home, leaving the cat behind.

