Sunday 27 December 2020

It's been nearly six days

 I had my second Covid test on the day before Christmas Eve.

    I appreciate that there's been a little Christmasy stuff in the interim but I still haven't heard anything. According to st Boris, he thinks this covid/corona stuff is quite important. If I haven't heard by tomorrow I'm going to pay the blond one a visit - albeit an electric one.

   I actually feel fine and don't think I have it. The only thing I do have is a lot of sudden weight loss. After creating a masterpiece of a Christmas lunch I accidentally lost about an acre of tongue via my wickedly sharp teeth (I grind a lot in my sleep). Thus I had to throw it away and haven't really eaten since. I must be the only one I know who'll actually lose weight over the holidays.


  1. I'd love to lose some weight, but there are the good ways and the bad ways ...

  2. I did the same thing a decade ago and lost over 4 kilos in a week. There's only so much soup a person can drink.

