Sunday 7 June 2020

Really cooking now.

It's amazing how much I've got done now that I found my writing head. It must have been in a cupboard along with my doing-anything-actually-useful head.

    I've written 110 pages on Scions of Kongomato, as I've decided to call the last book in my trilogy. But as usual most if it will get trashed. I don't get upset by this. It's just part and parcel of writing. Now that I've begun again, so to speak, the words are really flying. I love it.

    As always with my Kongomato books, there's always a little gratuitous bloodletting just to start the ball rolling. Most of it will change but I'm just enjoying myself.

    Here's a little from page 6:

  ‘Are you out of your gourd?’ He would have said more, a lot more, but was given no chance as something peculiar happened.
  Straker had seen quite a few deaths in his years, but none as quick, silent or terrifying as this. In one moment Mallory’s eyes stared fully at him, quite sorrowfully in fact, and the next he felt rather than heard something. It was like the displaced air of a newspaper as someone struck out wildly at a fly, except in this case a winged pest did not fall to the ground. Rather, with a sickening tearing sound Mallory's head left his shoulder. There was no time to yell, or in his instant and overwhelming terror, to scream, for the other man’s head fell to the deck with a sickening thud. A moment later, his gorge threatening to burst from his throat, Straker turned at the new sound, that of a squeal, almost inaudible due to the high frequency.
  In his panic to flee his hand hit something hard enough to snap three of his fingers but he felt no pain for with a low whine followed by a grating sound deep in the bowels of the ship a sharp draft of frigid air from above billowed down as the cargo hatches began to creak open.

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